বুধবার, ১৬ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১১

Student Life

                                                                  My   STUDENT  LIFE               

There  is  no rose without thorn. No rights  without  duties and no  pleasures without  pains. No wonder  than  that  a
Student has certain  duties  to  perform. He  has  to discharge  duties  to  his  own self, to  his  parents,  to  his  family, to  his  country, to  the wide  world  and  what  is  more  to  god-
The  first  and  foremost  duty  of a  student  is to  acquire  knowledge. But  he must not  confine himself  to  the  prescribed  books  only. He  must  read newspapers, magazines, novels, dramas  and poetry  during  his leisure.  This  kind  of  reading  will widen  their  mental  horizon  and  enable  them to be  acquainted  with  many things  of  the  world.
A  student  must take  care  of  his  heath  because  sound mind  lives  in a sound body. Good  health  is  the  key    to  success . in  order  to  enjoy a good  health  a  student  must  observe  the rules  of  health.
A  student can  go on  excursion  and  picnic with his  fellow  students.  All  these  things  will  bear    good  effect  on  him. They  will  drive  his  monotony.  Excursion   will  increase  his  knowledge. His  mental  outlook  will  be  broad.
School  and  collage  arrange  debate, discussion , seminars  and  symposium. A student  can take part  in  all these  things  and  widen  his  knowledge. As  a  result he  may  be  something  great  in future.
A  student  can  render  many social  and  benevolent  activities. He can  teach the  unlettered  the  importance  of  family  planning,  malnutrition, sanitation ,  population  explosion  etc.  during the  time of natural  calamities  he  can
Distribute  food, medicine  pure  drinking  water  and  cloths to the victim. These activities  enable  a student  to gain
Practical  training  in  humanitarian work .

Md Harun

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